Sunday, July 2, 2017

SubiBox: A Raspberry Pi, Kivy, KivyPie, mpd, rotary dial telephone jukebox.

This project has been developed for a Raspberry Pi Zero W.  These are my notes.

Installed KivyPie (based on pipaOS which is based on Raspbian) on a sd card.  Edited boot/interfaces.txt to use my wifi credentials.

glError 0x505

Displaying the album art with Kivy resulted in gl errors.  I needed to change the memory configuration of the Raspberry Pi so that the GPU had more memory.  I did this using raspi-config and setting the GPU to use 256MB.  This improved things, but ultimately I also needed to reduce the album art file sizes.

Automatic Start Jukebox on Boot

I had to edit the sytemctl getty service so that the user would automatically be logged in.  Then I edited ~/.profile so that the jukebox app is started.

USB SoundCard


defaults.ctl.card 0
defaults.pcm.card 0

... to ...
defaults.ctl.card 1
defaults.pcm.card 1